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Recent Posts
Evolving a Homelab
Take ownership of your data and your security I’ve been running a home server for several years, and wanted to document my experiences. This will hopefully help others who want to take better control of their own data. You don’t need a big fancy server to run a homelab, your start can be as humble as a Raspberry Pi!
Aside from making a 3D printed Buster Sword, I’ve had a hobby of setting up services on my homelab.
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SNES Asus Tinkerboard S Build
Building my own Retropie Mini Snes
When I saw the Adafruit Pigrrl 2, I knew I had to build one with my 3D printer! It took a few days, but it was pretty sweet to build a portable Raspberry Pi gaming system with their kit. While it worked great with NES, SNES, GB and GBA games, it did struggle a bit with N64 games.
So, I decided to look into building a more powerful set-top box to plug into the TV!
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